Athens Municipal Central Library
August 2019
Athens has a long and great library tradition. Hadrian’s Library was erected by the Roman Emperor Hadrian in 132-134 AD on the north side of the Acropolis. It follows the Roman Forum architectural style and measures 182 x 82 m. This library which today is in ruins included lecture halls, auditorium, a place for music and a pool in the centre of a courtyard bordered by 100 columns. It was an important and imposing building, a landmark in the city. Today the city of Athens has more modest ambitions, to say the least. The central library is a historical research library more than a public library. The main entrance of the building is not easy to access while it opens to a street with heavy traffic. The building contains services only for adults. There are two separate libraries for young ones: The Babies and Toddlers´ Library at the same courtyard and the Children & Young Adults´ Library totally separated. The biggest part of the collection is in closed stacks. There are two small rooms for a popular collection and a reading room. No newspapers and magazines are available, however. Among a lot of other things air-condition would improve the level of service. ONE star: Poor.