Ranking System
Very good
Our Basic Values, please see Articles!
We rank public libraries according to following criteria and their weights in calculating the overall score
Information about the library (6%)
- In guidebooks for tourists
- In city maps
- On the internet, including the library´s own website and any social media representation
Location, visibility and Access (25%)
- Architecturally interesting building
- Location in the city/town
- Public transport
- Facilities for pedestrians and bikers
- Car parking
- Entrance – accessibility
- Signposts to the library in the city
- Signs on the building
- Opening hours
- Accessibility for the disabled
- Signs in the building
Service and supply (44%)
- Access for all – locals and guests
- Charge/no charge for services
- Scope of collection including different forms of media
- Exposure of collection
- Collection of newspapers and periodicals
- Exhibitions, stage
- Café / restaurant
- Lavatories
- Dedicated spaces: meeting, learning, lab, etc.
- Identifiable staff
- Service from the staff
- Information and communication technology
- Children
- Youth
- Immigrants
- Special services: SMEs, consumers, tourists, etc.
- Programs, events, lectures
Facilities (13%)
- Aesthetics
- Lighting
- Seating
- Quiet areas
- Social areas
- Area for children and youth
Collection content (6%)
- Versatility/variety according to the content
Freedom of expression and of choice (6%)
- Controversial titles and authors