Mats Öström

Born 1946 in Gävle, Sweden
University of Uppsala, BA, 1973
Swedish School of Library and Information Science, University of Borås, 1974
Head of Culture, Municipality of Ockelbo, 1974-1979
Chief Librarian, City of Sandviken, 1979-1986
Director of Culture, City of Sandviken, 1987-2000
Director of Culture, City of Gävle, 2000-2011
Member of the board of the Swedish Prison Museum since 2013-
Responsible for the repertoire at the Art cinema Bio Kontrast in Gävle in the 1970’s and 1980’s
Chairman of the regional Tourist board, The County of Gävleborg, 1984-1992
EU Information Officer, Region of Gävleborg, 1992-1995
Freelance journalist in daily newspapers from the 1960’s
Lecturer at the Swedish School of Library and Information Science, Borås, 1975-1978
Consultant/Expert in the cultural sector in the Region of Gävleborg in the 1980’s and 1990’s