Sandvikens folkbibliotek

  • September 2018

Sandviken is a small town with 39 000 inhabitants in the region of Gävleborg. Sandvikens folkbibliotek (Sandviken Public Library) is located in a culture house called Kulturcentrum (Culture Centre). This significant building of remarkable architectural quality is situated in the city centre and offers a cultural indoor mall with openings to activities like literature, music, art, theatre performances, a tourist info and a café. The collection of the library is of high quality and versatility. It is also very well organized, exposed and displayed. In cooperation with the other cultural actors there is a special focus on activating children and young people to read. This is the first public library in Sweden to introduce the idea to have the library open every day of the year, 365 days including Christmas Day and Easter Day. FIVE stars: Excellent.